If you would like to know more at the New Mexico Tech’s IEEE Student Branch, participate in their activities, or know more about the EE program at Tech, they have general meetings every other week (September 24th, October 8th, and October 22nd, so far). They also have an officer’s meeting the day prior to the general meeting.

Please contact any of their officers for more information:

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Student Branch
Socorro, NM
IEEE NMT Student Branch
Chair: Connor Brashar cbrashar@nmt.edu
Vice Chair: Eric Steinbach esteinba@nmt.edu
Treasurer: Kelsea Cronin kcronin@nmt.edu
Secretary: Maya Robinson mrobinso@nmt.edu
Activities Dir.: Isaac Bamonte ibamonte@nmt.edu
Advisor: Dr. Hector Erives erives@ee.nmt.edu
Regional Rep.: Clint Janes cjanes@ee.nmt.edu

Thank you,

ABQ Section Chair.