The Action for Industry Ambassadors  workshop was held in Nairobi, Kenya on August 27th and 28th, 2019 .  It was an amazing event that brought together representatives from different countries in attendance. Represented were members from Egypt, Nigeria, Uganda, Tunisia, UK, Cyprus and Ireland. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the strategies that need to be put in place to ensure engagement with the industries in the countries. The representatives shared the best approaches that they worked with to achieve partnership in their countries and how to move forward with the results as seen. 

The two day event involved visits to some of the industry partners such as Africa’s Talking, Centurion and Safaricom. These companies have been fundamental in the mentoring and support of the IEEE Kenya Section members and their growth. The IEEE Action for Industry Initiative is focused on trying to provide meaningful benefits for the members who are in industry. In its mission to reestablish the relevance of IEEE to industry, it is exploring the avenues through which both industry members and IEEE can add value to each other and ensure a healthy link between the two. It is essential to build links with industry as their input in the transition from student membership to professional counts a great deal. 

Special regards go to Region 8 for facilitating this workshop and making it happen. Congratulations to the IEEE Kenya Action for Industry Ambassadors liaisons John Matogo and Lavender Ndunya for ensuring the success of this wonderful event.