Nassim Razi

Nassim Razi
Nassim Razi is a Principal Engineer at Stantec Inc. Stantec is an international professional services company in the design and consulting industry with 15,000 employees in 400 offices around the globe. Before moving to Boston in 2011, she worked in Los Angeles for 10 years for some renowned building engineering companies such as Buro Happold. Nassim became the IEEE Boston WIE Chair in 2016. She has been collaborating with other IEEE sections and companies to inspire girls to pursue technology related education and careers and empower women as leaders.

Outside of IEEE, Nassim provides consultancy services for variety of energy and sustainable development planning, policy, and implementation endeavors around the globe. She is a mentor at Engineers without Borders and a UN volunteer for Peace and Development. Her hobbies include traveling and learning other languages. She received her BS in Electrical Engineering from Tehran University and her JD in Law from Southwestern Law School. She currently lives in Cambridge, MA.