Activities in 2018

May 25th, 2018: IEEE EDS Schenectady 2018 Mini-Colloqium on Future Electronics

EDS Schenectady and the IEEE student branch (Union College) co-hosted a mini-colloquium (MQ) with the theme “Future Electronics” on May 25th, 2018 at Union College, Schenectady, New York. Approximately 80 participants including faculty, students and industry attended the event. The MQ begin with Dr. Katharine Dovidenko (vice-chair for EDS, Schenectady) and Prof. Luke Dosiek (ECE, Union College) giving introductions to EDS, Union College and the invited speakers. The technical program had 4 speakers from the Capital District Region with contributions from industry and academia:

  • Dr. Isabelle Ferain, Globalfoundries – “A Giant Leap in the Nanotechnology World”
  • Dr. Dechao Guo, IBM Research– “An Overview of Semiconductor Technology: History, Challenges and Opportunities”
  • Dr. Ljubisa Stevanovic, GE Global Research Center – From SiC MOSFET Devices to MW-Scale Power Converters”
  • Prof. Mona Hella, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – “TeraWaves: New Opportunities for Silicon Integration”

The technical program gave a broad overview of core and differentiated technologies that will be driving the next wave of innovations in electronics. These talks were followed by lively technical discussions and networking between the invited speakers and participants.

April 25th: IEEE Panel Discussion: Preparing for a Career in Industry 

A panel discussion was organized by the IEEE student chapter at the University of Albany to help students prepare for what employers look for in new hires in different technology fields. The event was sponsored by the Electron Device Society Chapter, IEEE Schenectady Section. Approximately 40 students from University of Albany, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and SUNY Poly, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering attended the event. The panel had representatives from some of the leading companies based in Capital District area. They include Dr. Mark Raymond, Senior Member of Technical Staff and Manager at GlobalFoundries, Bill Hoffman, Chief Technical Officer at Kitware, Natalie Mannarino, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist at nFrastructure and David Druzynski, Chief People Officer at Automate. They discussed a wide range of career-related topics and also shared their personal career experiences. Information on skills required for a qualified applicant, preparing for a job interview, resume writing and common mistakes that new employees make were also covered in the discussion. Following the discussion, students had the opportunity to interact with the panelists in a meet-and-greet session.  (- Ninad, IEEE Student Chapter, University of Albany)

Activities in 2017

Oct 3rd: Appreciation Lunch for Ming-Yi (Vice-Chair 2016-2017)

An appreciation lunch for Ming-Yi was held on Oct 3rd (IEEE Day!) to bid him farewell as he leaves the area to take up a new challenge with his freshly minted PhD. In the last two years, he has been instrumental in leading/organizing our technical seminar series held at CNSE. We will certainly miss his passion and enthusiasm in organizing these technical seminars to enable IEEE/EDS members to connect and learn. We wish him the very best in all his future endeavors!   

Sept 22nd, 2017: IEEE EDS Mini-Colloquium @ GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Malta

Our chapter’s first ever Mini-Colloqium (MQ) was held on Sept 22nd with more than 200 participants from IEEE/EDS, local Universities/Colleges and GLOBALFOUNDRIES.  The event had 3 invited talks from EDS DL speakers. The theme for this year’s MQ was “Green Electronics”.

  1. Green Campus Initiative
    • Prof. Paul Yu, IEEE Fellow and EDS DL, UC San Diego
  2. Energy Efficient Nanoelectronics 
    • Prof. Suman Datta, IEEE Fellow and EDS DL, Univ. of Notre Dame
  3. Terahertz Sensing Technology 
    • Prof. Michael Shur, IEEE Fellow and EDS DL, RPI

Activities in 2016 

Nov 4th, 2016: Annual Semiconductor Technical Symposium @ CNSE 

  1. Semiconductor Technology: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
    • George Gomba, VP, World Wide Technology Research Programs, GLOBALFOUNDRIES;
  2. Nanostructures for Clean Energy Applications 
    • Prof. Michael E. Hagerman, Co-Director of the Nanotechnology Program, Union College
  3. EUV Progress Toward High-Volume Manufacturing
    • Dr. Michael Lercel, Director of Strategic Marketing, ASML;
  4. Navigate Career Journey
    • Dr. Meng-Ling Hsiao, Executive Engineering Manager, General Electric (GE) Power.

Jun 25th, 2016: Summer Semiconductor Technical Symposium @ CNSE

  1. Towards Logic Circuit Manufacturing Using Directed Self Assembly (DSA)
    • Dr. Kafai Lai, IBM
  2. High Quality IL Formation and Its Impact on Physical & Electrical Properties of SiGe (100) Gate Stack
    • Dr. Shariq Siddiqui, GLOBALFOUNDRIES.

 Mar 12th, 2016: Spring Semiconductor Technical Symposium @ CNSE 

  1. Extending Moore’s Law: EUV for 7nm Technology and Beyond
    • Dr. Yu-Jen Fan, SUNY Poly Sematech
  2. Emerging BEOL Technology and Challenges at 5nm and Beyond
    • Dr. Takeshi Nogami, IBM.

March 4th, 2016: Tour of SUNY Polytechnic CNSE Nanotech Complex

SUNY Poly’s Albany NanoTech Complex, home to the Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE), is a fully-integrated research, development, prototyping, and educational facility that provides strategic support through outreach, technology acceleration, business incubation, pilot prototyping, and test-based integration support for onsite corporate partners including IBM, Intel, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, SUNY Poly SEMATECH, Samsung, TSMC, Applied Materials, Tokyo Electron, ASML and Lam Research, as well as other “next generation” nanotechnology research activities.

This tour would give visitors a window show toward two of CNSE major facilities, and conclude with a great opportunity to present questions to Dr. Christopher Borst and Dr. Wenli Collison.

EDS Chapter (IEEE Schenectady Section) 

ChairHemanth Jagannathan
jhemanth @
Vice ChairSagarika Mukush
SecretaryKanda Tapily
TreasurerStanley Kocsiskocsis @
Committee memberKatharine Dovidenkokatharine.dovidenko @
Committee memberAakrati Jain
Committee memberMinhaz Abedin