July 22, 2018
Speaker: Md. Asaduz Zaman Mamun
Lecturer, Department of EEE
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
IEEE SUST SB introduced a seminar on Introduction to Nanofabrication Technology.
Nanofabrication techniques have revolutionized many fields like pharmaceutical and medical fields as they offer the possibility for highly reproducible mass-fabrication of systems with complex geometries and functionalities.In this seminar the principal of nanofabrication techniques was described, including photolithography, soft lithography, film deposition, etching and focused ion beam lithography.The session was taken by Md. Asaduz Zaman Mamun, lecturer at Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SUST. He had recently completed a training course from CeNSE, IISc, Bangalore, India.
There was a video demonstration of clean room of IISc, Bangalore,India!
This program was only for the students of EEE Dept.