Sentience ( 15th & 16th of September)


SENTIENCE’18, a two-day intra-collegiate fest comprised of two exciting events – LIFO and TRON. The first round is being organised on 15th of September and the grand finale on 16th of September.

The objective of LIFO being -building an autonomous robot that can trace the long black line leading its way to the finish in the least possible time.

The objective of TRON – lash without a lag to bag the tag mighty robots, combat and whisk through the hurdles to the victory! The contestants are required to build fast and furious blue-tooth controlled robots that race its way to the finish in the least possible time.

The event is coordinated and conducted by  IEEE RAS & Amrita Club for Robotics and Mechatronics (ACROM), Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.

For Registration:  Click here

Pictures of Sentience’17: