
Schedule for the Region 5 Conference Meetings and Events

Agenda – IEEE Region 5 Annual Committee Meeting, 2017

Message from the IEEE Region 5 Director

The Denver Section will host the 2017 IEEE Region 5 (R5) Annual Conference and Student Competitions.  It will take place April 1st-2nd, 2017 at the Denver Marriott Tech Center hotel.   Region 5, comprised of 26 local sections and over 90 student branches, has more than 23,000 higher grade members, over 3,600 student members and represents 7% of the world-wide IEEE population.

The Region 5 Annual Conference and Student Competitions event is structured as a weekend event that includes R5 Student Competitions, R5 Student Professional Activities Conference (SPAC), R5 Young Professionals Meeting, and the R5 Annual Conference.

The R5 Annual Conference, held on Saturday April 1st, will cover a wide range of topics of interest to Section leadership.  Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to, Office Reports, Finances, Educational Activities, Membership Development, Affiliate Group Reports, Professional Activities Committee for Engineers (PACE) support, and updates on overall IEEE leadership direction. All Sections are encouraged to send a voting delegate to the Region 5 Annual Conference and expenses will be reimbursed by the Region.

The R5 Student Competitions, held on Saturday April 1st, include Circuit Design, Ethics, Robotics, Student Papers, and Standards Development.  All competitions are open to all undergraduate students and Standards Development is open to both undergraduate students and young professionals.  We expect over 30 student robotic teams at the Marriott Tech Center Hotel Friday evening.

This annual event is to be capped by a Saturday evening awards banquet that will feature a guest speaker, recognize the winners of student competitions, and recognize outstanding IEEE individuals and programs across the 26 Region 5 sections.