IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
12-14 June 2017 – Osaka, Japan

LANMAN2017 was finished. Thank you!

LANMAN2017 was finished. Thank you!

We would like to express our sincere appreciation that we could finish the IEEE LANMAN 2017 without any outstanding problem. Thank you for cooperation by the participants, presenters, authors, steerting committee, technical program committee, organizing committee and any related persons. We really relieved that all participants enjoyed the symposium and their visit to Japan.

Photos of LANMAN2017 will be uploaded soon. We will announce when it is available.

Student Travel Award

Student Travel Award

The LANMAN 2017 Student Travel Award recipient is Xiaokang Sang (Tsinghua University, P.R. China).

Best Paper and Best Demo

Best Paper and Best Demo

LANMAN 2017 Best Paper Award goes to “Compact IEEE 802.22-based Radio Equipment Enabling Easy Installation for Regional Area Network System using TV White-spaces (Takeshi Matsumura, Hiroki Ueno, Keiichi Mizutani and Hiroshi Harada)”.

LANMAN 2017 Best Demo Award goes to “COG: Overlay network functions assisting COnnected next Generation society systems (Naoki Higo, Yoshiko Sueda and Arata Koike)”.

Information and Questionnaires for Participants are opened.

Information and Questionnaires for Participants are opened.

Information for Participants is opened. Please refer about the local registration, the venue facility/Layout and etc. The local coordination team will kindly ask LANMAN2017 Questionnaires for Participants by 2 June 2017, 23:59JST. It includes questions about administration of conference, participant’s dietary information and etc. Thank you in advance for your cooperation to answer it.

Information for Presenters

Information for Presenters is Available.

Information for Presenters (Oral, Poster and Demo) is available now. Please refer to the instructions page and prepare your presentations accordingly.

Call for Demos

Call for Demos

Demo session fosters the demonstrations of novel technologies and applications by means of original interactive showcases. Topics of interests are the same as those listed in the main track of IEEE LANMAN 2017.

Authors of accepted demo papers will be provided with a table, a power supply and Wi-Fi Internet access (NAT only) by default.

Accepted demo papers will be indexed by IEEE-Xplore and will be distributed with the official symposium proceedings. No show will preclude publication in IEEE-Xplore.

Authors must be present during the Demo session and must be associated with an author registration at the full rate. One full registration is valid for presenting a cumulative number of demos/papers/posters up to three.

A “best demo award” will be given, based on community judging by registered participants.

We envisage two kinds of demos, namely: associated or not-associated with an accepted main track paper. Associated demo papers must provide demonstrations of concepts presented in an accepted main track paper.

Please consult the Demo Co-Chairs (see contacts in the Call for Demos page) if you are uncertain whether your demo falls within the scope of the symposium and for any other question.


Full details of the call are available at the Call for Demos page.

Symposium Main Theme

Symposium Main Theme

Connecting Smart Cities through Software-Defined Infrastructure

2017 Patrons