IEEE –Italy Sensors Chapter Best Student Paper Award on Quantum Biomedical Applications, Technologies & Sensors
The IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter recognizes young researchers through the presentation of the Best Student Paper Award on “Quantum Biomedical Applications, Technologies & Sensors”. This award will be given to a distinguished paper authored by a student and accepted to the 2024 Quantum Biomedical Applications, Technologies & Sensors to be held in Durazzo (Italy), October 10-11, 2024.
The award consists of a certificate and a prize of 200,00 €.
To be eligible for the Best Student Paper Award, the applicant must be:
– a Student Member of IEEE at the time the paper was submitted to the workshop
– one of the authors of the accepted paper
– the presenting author of the paper at the 2024 Quantum Biomedical Applications, Technologies & Sensors.
Judgment criteria for the Best Student Paper Award will be based on the scientific content of the paper and on the presentation of the work at the workshop.
The evaluation committee consists of two members of the IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter nominated by the Chapter Chair and a member of the Organizing Committee of the 2024 Quantum Biomedical Applications, Technologies & Sensors workshop.
The Award Committee is composed by:
1) Prof. Stefania Campopiano
2) Prof. Emiliano Schena
3) Prof. Antonino S. Fiorillo
The winner will be notified during the closing ceremony of the workshop. All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
IEEE –Italy Sensors Chapter
Best Student Wearable Sensors Project Award
at the International Summer School On Wearable
Sensors – 2024
The IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter recognizes young researchers through the presentation of the Best Student Wearable Sensors Project Award on “Wearable Sensors”. This award will be given to a distinguished project authored by a student attending the International Summer School on Wearable Sensors to be held in Roma (Italy), July 10-12, 2024. The project consists of creating a summary and delivering its key points through a presentation at the end of the school. All candidates will be
provided with a set of data collected in the real-world context using sensors presented during the school. The candidates will have to analyze and write an abstract based on this data (following a provided .doc template) and then present its content.
The award consists of a certificate and a prize of 100,00 €.
To be eligible for the Best Wearable Sensors Project Award, the applicant must be:
– a Student Member of IEEE
– under 35 years old.
To apply for the award, please send your abstract to Emiliano Schena ( indicating the following string as a subject of your e-mail: UCBM School Award_SURNAME_NAME.
Judgment criteria for the Best Student Wearable Sensors Project Award will be based on the scientific content of the paper and on the presentation of the work.
The evaluation committee consists of three members of the IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter nominated by the Chapter Chair and one member of the Organizing Committee of the International Summer School on Wearable Sensors.
The Award Committee is composed by:
1) Dr. Carlo Massaroni
2) Prof. Elena Bergamini
3) Prof. Emiliano Schena
4) Dr. Daniela Lo Presti
The abstract and the presentation will be evaluated through the following criteria:
• Successful application of concepts developed during the Summer School
• Justification for data selection and processing
• Writing/presentation quality
• Interpretation and discussion of study findings
All the decisions of the Committee are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.equo is allowed.
Best Student Paper Awards on “Sensors for Metrology and
Industry 4.0”
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes young researchers through the presentation of two Best Student Paper Awards on “Sensors for Metrology and Industry 4.0”. These awards will be given to two distinguished papers authored by students and accepted to the 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT (MetroInd4.0&IoT) to be held in Firenze (Italy), May 29-31, 2024
The award consists of a certificate and a prize of 200,00 €.
To be eligible for the Best Student Paper Award, the applicant must be:
– a Student Member of IEEE at the time the paper was submitted to the workshop
– one of the authors of the accepted paper
– the presenting author of the paper at the 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT
Judgment criteria for the Best Student Paper Award will be based on the scientific content of the paper and on the presentation of the work at the workshop.
The evaluation committee consists of two members of the IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter nominated by the Chapter Chair and three members of the Organizing Committee of the MetroInd4.0&IoT workshop.
The Award Committee is composed by:
1) Prof. Lorenzo Capineri
2) Dott. Carlo Massaroni
3) Prof. Marcantonio Catelani
4) Prof. Lorenzo Ciani
5) Prof. Pasquale Da Ponte
The winner will be notified during the closing ceremony of the workshop. All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
• Mr Luca Santoro for the paper entitled “A tag-less ultrawide-band passive tracking system”
• Miss Lucrezia Giorgi for the paper entitled “An innovative smart face mask for the estimation of respiratory rate: design, development and feasibility assessment”
IEEE –Italy Sensors Chapter
Best Student Paper Award at the 2023 IEEE International Workshop
Biomedical Applications, Technologies and Sensors
The IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter recognizes young researchers through the presentation of two Best Student Paper Awards at the “Biomedical Applications, Technologies and Sensors”. These awards will be given to two distinguished papers authored by students and accepted to the 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Biomedical Applications, Technologies and Sensors to be held in Catanzaro (Italy), September 28-29, 2023. The awards consist of a certificate and a prize of 100,00 Euro each. To be eligible for the Best Student Paper Award, the applicant must be:
– a Student Member of IEEE at the time the paper was submitted to the workshop
– one of the authors of the accepted paper
– the presenting author of the paper at the 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Biomedical
Applications, Technologies and Sensors Judgment criteria for the two Best Student Paper Awards will be based on the scientific content of the paper and on the presentation of the work at the workshop.
The evaluation committee consists of two members of the IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter nominated by the Chapter Chair and two members of the Organizing Committee of the Biomedical Applications, Technologies and Sensors workshop.
The Award Committee is composed by:
1) Prof.ssa Stefania Campopiano
2) Prof. Emiliano Schena
3) Prof. Salvatore A. Pullano
4) Prof. Antonino S. Fiorillo
The winners will be notified during the closing ceremony of the workshop. All the decisions of the
Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
• Miss Chiara Romano for the paper entitled: “Design And Development Of A Flexible Wearable Sensor Based On A Conductive Textile For Breathing Monitoring”;
• Mr Loy Vitali for the paper entitled : “Design, development and characterization of a novel fully additively manufactured deformable conductive force sensor”.
Best Student Paper Awards on “Sensors for Metrology and
Industry 4.0”
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes young researchers through the presentation of two Best Student Paper Awards on “Sensors for Metrology and Industry 4.0”. These awards will be given to two distinguished papers authored by students and accepted to the MetroInd4.0&IoT 2023.
The authors of the awarded papers, and co-authors if any, will be entitled to:
– A prize money amounting to 100 Euro;
– A signed and stamped official Award Certificate;
– The announcement of their achievement on a special conference webpage.
Basis for Judging: The Sensors Council Best Paper will be selected by a Committee of two members nominated by the Chapter Chair and three members of the Organizing Committee of the MetroInd4.0&IoT workshop. Papers are judged based on the scientific content of the paper and on the presentation of the work at the workshop.
Eligibility: To be eligible for the Best Student Paper Award, the applicant must be:
– a Student Member of IEEE at the time the paper was submitted to the workshop;
– one of the authors of the accepted paper;
– the presenting author of the paper at the 2023 IEEE International Workshop on
Metrology for Industry 4.0&IoT.
Presentation: The award will be announced and presented at the IEEE MetroInd Closing Ceremony.
Best Student Poster Award @ 8th International Summer School of Neuroengineering
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished posters presented by student at the
8th International Summer School of Neuroengineering
that will be held in presence and virtually, from Genova, Italy, on July, 18-2 2022, through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Poster”.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100 € to the author of the Best Abstract and related Poster, who has the requisites indicated below.
Only authors with the following requisites are eligible for the award:
– be a Member of IEEE;
– be a student at the time the paper was submitted;
– be the first author of the abstract associated to the poster.
The award recipient will be selected by a Committee formed by four lecturers of the conference with no conflicts of interests.
The Award Committee is composed by
1) Gabriele Arnulfo (University of Genoa, Italy)
2) Alessandra Sciutti (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)
3) Giulio Dagnino (Twente University, The Netherlands)
4) Giacomo Valle (ETH, Switzerland)
The winner will be notified and awarded the last day of the school.
All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
Sensors Council Best Paper Award @MeMeA22
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers submitted to the 17th Edition of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements & Applications (MeMeA) to be held in Messina-Italy, June 22-24, 2022, through a presentation of an Award for the Best Paper on “Sensors for health and medicine” accepted to the Symposium.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 200 € to the author of the Best paper, who has the requisites indicated below.
Only authors with the following requisites are eligible for the award:
– be a Member of IEEE;
– present the poster or held the oral presentation at the Symposium.
The award recipient will be selected by a Committee formed by the following participants with no conflicts of interest:
- Emma Angelini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, Obuda University, Budapest, Hunghary
- Laura Fabbiano, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
- Octavian Postolache, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Lisboa, Portugal
- Pasquale Daponte, Università del Sannio, Italy
The winner will be notified at the end of the Symposium.
All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
IEEE –Italy Sensors Chapter Best Student Paper Award – on Biomedical Applications Technologies and Sensors
The IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter recognizes distinguished student paper at the V Workshop on Quantum & Biomedical Applications Technologies and Sensors (qBATS) to be held in Lugano (June 20 and 21, 2022) through a presentation of an Award for the Best paper on “Biomedical Applications Technologies and Sensors”.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 200,00 Euro to the author of the Best paper who has the requisites indicated below.
Only authors with the following requisites are eligible for the award:
-the applicant must be no more than 32 years of age and must be a Student Member of IEEE at the time the paper was submitted;
– be a speaker at the V Workshop on Quantum & Biomedical Applications Technologies and Sensors (qBATS).
The award recipient will be selected by a committee formed by 1 IEEE Chapter member nominated by the Chapter Chair and 4 organizers of the workshop.
The Award Committee is composed by:
1) Ferri Giuseppe
2) Fiorillo Nino
3) La Gatta Antonio
4) Di Natale Corrado
5) Ferrari Vittorio
The winner will be notified during the closing ceremony of the workshop. All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
IEEE –Italy Sensors Chapter
Best Student Presentation Award – on Biomedical Applications Technologies and Sensors
The IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter recognizes distinguished presentation of students held at the IV Workshop on Biomedical Applications Technologies and Sensors (BATS) to be held virtually, October 14 and 15, 2021 through a presentation of an Award for the Best Presentation on “Biomedical Applications Technologies and Sensors”.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 200,00 Euro to the author of the Best presentation who has the requisites indicated below.
Only authors with the following requisites are eligible for the award:
– be a Student Member of IEEE at the time the presentation was submitted;
– be the presenter at the IV Workshop on Biomedical Applications Technologies and Sensors (BATS).
The award recipient will be selected by a Committee formed by 2 IEEE Chapter members nominated by the Chapter Chair and 2 of the organizers of the workshop.
The Award Committee is composed by:
1) Giuseppe Ferri
2) Emiliano Schena
3) Nino Fiorillo
4) Antonio La Gatta
5) Corrado Di Natale
The winner will be notified during the closing ceremony of the workshop. All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
IEEE –Italy Sensors Chapter
Best Student Paper Award – on Sensors for Metrology and Industry 4.0
The IEEE Italy Sensors Chapter recognizes distinguished papers authored by student submitted to the 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT to be held virtually, June 7-9, 2021 through a presentation of an Award for the Best Paper on “Sensors for Metrology and Industry 4.0” for papers accepted to the conference.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100,00 Euro to the author of the Best Paper who has the requisites indicated below.
Only authors with the following requisites are eligible for the award:
– be a Student Member of IEEE at the time the paper was submitted;
– be one of the authors of the paper;
– be the presenter of the paper at the 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT
The award recipient will be selected by a Committee formed by 3 IEEE Chapter members nominated by the Chapter Chair.
The Award Committee is composed by:
1) Paola Saccomandi
1) Giuseppe Ferri
2) Lorenzo Capineri
The winner will be notified during the closing ceremony of the conference. All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
Edoardo Cantù
Preliminary Analysis on a Paper-based Ammonia Sensor for Future Food Smart Packaging
Award -International Summer School on Wearable Sensors in Sport
The International Summer School on Wearable Sensors in Sport will recognize a number of awards to student and researchers attending the School.
To be eligible for the awards, a candidate must be under 35 years old.
A set of results obtained from data collected in the sports context using sensors presented during the School will be provided to all candidates. The candidates must write an abstract (following a provided template) based on this set of results.
1st prize – 400 €
2nd prize – 250 €
3rd prize – 180 €
4th prize – 130 €
5th prize – 130 €
6th prize – 130 €
7th prize – 130 €
8th prize – 130 €
Judging committee
The award recipients will be selected by a Committee formed by:
Andrea Nicolò, University of Rome “Foro Italico”
Elena Bergamini, University of Rome “Foro Italico”
Emiliano Schena, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Massimo Sacchetti, University of Rome “Foro Italico”
Giuseppe Vannozzi, University of Rome “Foro Italico”
Federico Mari, University of Rome “Foro Italico”
Carlo Massaroni, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Gaspare Pavei, University of Milan
Juri Taborri, Tuscia University
All the decisions of the Committee are final. No ex-aequo is allowed for the first, second and third prizes.
Important dates
June 16, 2021 – The organizing committee will provide details on how to apply for the award and write the abstract.
June 21, 2021 (24:00 CET) – Deadline for abstract submission.
July 2, 2021 – The names of the award winners will be published on the Summer School website.
The Sponsor of the awards is the IEEE Sensors Council.
Best student poster presentation @ the Second International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine (TSPPM-2021)
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished posters presented by student at the Second International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine (TSPPM-2021) that will be held virtually, from Sardinia, Italy, on July, 16-23 2018, through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Poster”.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100 € to the author of the Best Abstract and related Poster, who has the requisites indicated below. Only authors with the following requisites are eligible for the award:
– be a Member of IEEE;
– be a student at the time the paper was submitted;
– be the first author of the abstract associated to the poster.
The award recipient will be selected by a Committee formed by the Chapter treasurer and three lecturers of the conference with no conflicts of interests.
The Award Committee is composed by
1) Danilo Pani (University of Cagliari, Italy, School Chair, without the right to vote)
2) Rik Vullings (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherland)
3) Reza Sameni (Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA)
4) Petar Djuric (Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA)
The winner will be notified and awarded the last day of the school.
All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed.
The “Best Student Poster Award” TSPPM-2021 is assigned to Johann Vargas-Calixto for his poster “Prediction of Risk of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Using Fetal Heart Rate Variability and Clinical Variables” by “Johann Vargas-Calixto, Yvonne Wu, Michael Kuzniewicz, Marie Cornet, Heather Forquer, Lawrence Gerstley, Emily Hamilton, Philip Warrick, Robert Kearney”.
Best Research Activity on Sensors Pitch Presentation
Teams composed of one girl and one boy are invited to present their joined research activity during our SenseIT event!
The two Team’s members must be IEEE Student members, and can apply to this initiative by submitting a short abstract of the project,
“IEEE Sensors Journal” Best Student Paper Award
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers authored by young researchers in the field of Sensors design, fabrication, characterization, and applications through the presentation of an Award for the “Best student paper” published on IEEE Sensors Journal. The Award consists in an honorarium of 100 Euro and a Certificate.
3rd joint edition of “Electronics for Sensors” and “Biomedical Applications Technologies & Sensors” workshops Best Presentation
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes the best presentation at the 3rd joint edition of “Electronics for Sensors” and “Biomedical Applications Technologies & Sensors” workshops to be virtually held on October 6, 2020 through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Presentation”.
Winner: Giovanni Mezzina for the presentation “Design and implementation of an FPGA-based muscle conduction velocity tracker for dynamic contractions”.
Sensors Council Best Paper on “Sensors for Metrology and Industry 4.0”
Description: The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers submitted to MetroInd2020 through a presentation of an Award for the Best Paper on “Sensors for Metrology and Industry 4.0” accepted and presented to the Workshop.
The Sensors Council Best Paper will be selected by a Committee of 6 members selected by the MetroInd2020 Award Chairs. The selection will be based on the technical quality and the review process of the initial full paper. The paper must be presented by an IEEE student member.
Winner: Luca Bossi, Pierluigi Falorni, Gennadiy Pochanin, Timothy Bechtel, Jack Sinton, Fronefield Crawford, Tetiana Ogurtsova, Vadym Ruban, Lorenzo Capineri with a paper entitled “DESIGN OF A ROBOTIC PLATFORM FOR LANDMINE DETECTION BASED ON INDUSTRY 4.0 PARADIGM WITH DATA SENSORS INTEGRATION”
Sensors Council Best Paper Award @ MeMeA 2020
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers submitted to MeMea 2020 through a presentation of an Award for the Best Paper on “Sensors for Health and Medicine” accepted and presented to the Symposium.
The Sensors Council Best Paper will be selected by a Committee of 5 members selected by the Sensor Council Italy Chapter. The selection will be based on the technical quality and the review process of the initial full paper as well as on the effectiveness and clarity of the visual presentation. The paper must be presented by an IEEE member.
IEEE Sensors Council Best Paper Award
Winner: Simone Aiassa (Politecnico di Torino, Italy & EPFL, Switzerland); José David González Martı́nez (EPFL, Switzerland); Danilo Demarchi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Sandro Carrara (EPFL, Switzerland) for the paper entitled New Measurement Method in Drug Sensing by Direct Total-Charge Detection in Voltammetry
Best Student Pitch Award at the XXXVIII School of the National Group of Bioengineering
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished pitch by young researchers in the field of “Advanced bioengineering methods, technologies and tools in surgery and therapy”, presented during the XXXVIII School of the National Group of Bioengineering, to be held in Bressanone, Italy, September 9 – 12, 2019. The Award consists in an honorarium of 200 Euro and a Certificate.
The award was assigned to the group CLOTection, represented by Giulia Silveri, for the pitch “CLOTection – Smart technologies for a better life” by Alessia Scarpelli, Giulia Silveri, Arianna Suprani and Andrea Tigrini.
“Sensors” Best Paper Award
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers authored by student submitted to the 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems to be held in Genova-Italy, November 27-29 2019 through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Paper on Sensors” for papers accepted to the conference on the topic of SENSORS AND SENSING SYSTEMS.
Winner: A Broadband Current Sensor Based on the X-Hall Architecture
Marco Crescentini, Michele Biondi, Roberta Ramilli, Pier Andrea Traverso, Gian Piero Gibiino, Aldo Romani, Marco Tartagni
Best Student Presentation Award @WSES19
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers authored by student submitted to the Second Workshop on Electronics for Sensors (WSES) to be held in Rome-Italy, September 17, 2019 through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Presentation” for papers accepted to the Workshop.
The award was assgned to Gianluca Barile for the work “Analog automatic stray
compensation for AC driven differential capacitance sensor interfaces”
Best Student paper Award @IEEE Sensors Journal 2017-2018
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers authored by young researchers in the field of Sensors design, fabrication, characterization, and applications through the presentation of an Award for the “Best student paper” published on IEEE Sensors Journal.
The Award consists in an honorarium of 100 Euro and a Certificate.
The award was assigned to Emanuele Cardillo for the article and poster “An Electromagnetic Sensor Prototype to Assist Visually Impaired and Blind People in Autonomous Walking” by E Cardillo, V Di Mattia, G Manfredi, P Russo, A De Leo, A Caddemi, G Cerri. Congratulations!
Best Student Poster Award @TSPPM-2018
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished posters presented by student at the International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine (TSPPM-2018) that will be held in Pula-Italy, July, 2-6 2018, through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Poster”.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100 € to the author of the Best Abstract and related Poster.
The award was assigned to Paul Hamelmann, Eindhoven University of Technology, for the abstract and poster “Fetal heart rate measurements using a flexible ultrasound transducer matrix” by Hamelmann, Mischi, Vullings, Kolen and Bergmans. Congratulations!
The final abstract can be seen here: Abstract_Hamelmann
The discussion at the winner’s poster

Best Student Poster Award @CPS-2018
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished posters presented by student at the CPS Summer School 2018 that will be held in Alghero-Italy, September, 17-21 2018, through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Poster”.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100 € to the author of the Best Abstract and related Poster.
The award was assigned to Claudio Rubattu, University of Sassari and INSA Rennes, for the poster “Dataflow-based Adaptation Framework with Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Accelerators” by Claudio Rubattu. Congratulations!
The poster can be seen here: CPS_Workshop_2018__poster_crubattu
Best Student Poster Award @WSES18
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers authored by student submitted to the First Workshop on Electronics for Sensors (WSES) to be held in Rome-Italy, September 26 2018 through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Poster” for papers accepted to the Workshop.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100,00 Euro to the author of the Best Paper who has the requisites indicated below.
The award was assigned to Erika D’Antonio, Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano, for the abstract and poster “Dedicated conditioning electronics for single/multipixelCVD-diamond detectors” by E. D’Antonio, S. Salvatori, A. Orsini, P. Oliva, F. Patanè, M.C. Rossi, M. Girolami, D.M. Trucchi. Congratulations!
Sensor Travel Award @MetroSea-2018
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers authored by student submitted to the 2018 International Workshop on Metrology for the sea to be held in Bari-Italy, October, 8-10 2018 through a presentation of a Travel Award for the “Best Student Paper” for papers accepted to the conference.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100,00 Euro to the author of the Best Paper .
The award was assigned to Anna Innac, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, for the paper “Multi-GNSS Single Frequency Precise Point Positioning” by Anna Innac, Salvatore Gaglione, Antonio Angrisano. Congratulations!
Sensor Best Student Paper Award @MetroSea-2018
The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished papers authored by student submitted to the 2018 International Workshop on Metrology for the sea to be held in Bari-Italy, October, 8-10 2018 through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Paper” for papers accepted to the conference.
The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100,00 Euro to the author of the Best Paper who has the requisites indicated below.
The award was assigned to Gaia Mattei, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, for the paper “Multiscale reconstruction of natural and archaeological underwater landscape by optical and acoustic sensors” by Gaia Mattei, Salvatore Troisi, Pietro P.C. Aucelli, Gerardo Pappone, Francesco Peluso, Michele Stefanile. Congratulations!
(In the picture above, the prize is given to Fabiana Di Ciaccio, who delivered it to Gaia Mattei)