Adrian Schwaninger, SWITZERLAND

SchwaningerProf. Dr. Adrian Schwaninger is the Head of the Institute Humans in Complex Systems ( at the School of Applied Psychology of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. He is also the Chairman of the Center for Adaptive Security Research and Applications in Zurich (

His areas of expertise are security and human factors, man-machine interaction, cognitive and computational modelling, perception, attention and cognition, multivariate statistics.

Adrian has more than 100 publications and more than 200 invited presentations. He is a Member of the ECAC Training Task Force and he is the Chair of the TIP Study Group of the ECAC Technical Task Force. In 1999 he has received the Young Researcher Award in Psychology. In 2003 he has received the ASI International Award of Excellence in Aviation Security: Enhancement of Human Factors.

Adrian has been a Member of the ICCST Executive Committee since 2007, and he has attended ICCST conferences since 2004. Adrian was the Chairman of the 2008 ICCST in Zurich, Switzerland.