taos_contactsChair: Walter Cerroni

Vice Chair: Mauro Biagi

Secretary: Murat Yuksel

Mailing List

List Policy

TAOS has a mailing list, hosted by ComSoc. It is an effective tool to disseminate community news, events, and information to TAOS’ members. Members subscribe to this list voluntarily, at will. We respect members’ privacy, do not share their address with third parties, and NO e-mail address is added to this list without consent of its owner. The TAOS list is currently moderated in order to prevent spam (which became an issue recently), and to ensure that the list is used in accordance with IEEE/ComSoc and TAOS policies. In particular, ComSoc mail lists cannot be used to post:

  • any item that reflects negatively on the reputation, character, professional ability or technical competence of anyone;
  • any item of a sexually explicit nature;
  • any item that disparages or demeans another’s ethnicity, religion, culture, or sexual orientation;
  • any item that misrepresents one’s position in the Communications Society or in any other professional organization;
  • any item that promotes or serves as a marketing vehicle for materials in which a TC committee member has a personal, financial, or business interest; this includes books, conferences and short courses in which the Communications Society does not have an interest (items for the general good such as announcements of faculty openings, fellowships, student grants, etc., may be posted);
  • any item that advances the candidacy of an individual for an elected office in the IEEE (including ComSoc); this conforms to existing IEEE policy;
  • any item that uses one’s position as a volunteer in ComSoc for personal gain;
  • any item that announces or encourages participation in a venue that is clearly in conflict with any initiative of the IEEE Communications Society; (This may include calls-for-papers for competing publications or announcements for competing conferences. Since the Communications Society co-sponsors a number of external events, however, users may seek the advice of appropriate ComSoc officer(s) for items of this type.)

The TAOS’ list further observes the following extra guidelines:

  1. The list is designed for IEEE ComSoc technical and society activities which are within TAOS’ scope of interest and/or sponsored by TAOS.
  2. Other events which are co-sponsored by ComSoc and/or TAOS, or of special interest to the TAOS community may be shared on the list (these are decided on a case by case basis. Please, contact TAOS’ officers in advance -before sending emails- for specific advice thereto).
  3. In principle, no other conferences can be advertised on TAOS’ list.
  4. This list is NOT used for repeated reminders of any given conference (weekly, monthly, and last-days reminders). Only ONE note may be posted about a given event. The only exception to this rule is for ICC/GLOBECOM symposia where TAOS is involved as major sponsor/contributor.
  5. Postings by unknown names (not having a specific TAOS’ member e-mail address) and/or generic marketing/soliciting addresses are not allowed and will not be forwarded to the list.
  6. Violations to these guidelines may result in loss of subscription to the TAOS list.

The TAOS mailing list currently includes more than 1400 subscribers: academicians, engineers, researchers, and industrial managers who are active in TAOS technical scope. The list helps to stimulate interest in our community activities and promote them globally. Members are encouraged to distribute list e-mails into their networks. The current list moderator is TAOS Chair.

How to Subscribing/Unsubscribing to/from the TAOS Mailing List

To join or leave the TAOS email list, please visit the TAOS List Subscription Page.

Sending messages to the TAOS list

Only members can post to the list. To send a message to ALL list members, send an email to taos@comsoc.org. The e-mail will be screened by the moderator and forwarded to the list if deemed appropriate.

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