The 2015 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication (ICNC 2015)

Social Computing and Semantic Data Mining Symposium

February 16-19, 2015

Anaheim, California, USA

Symposium Co-Chairs

  • Honggang Wang University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA (Email:
  • Wei Ding University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA (Email:
  • Gu Tao RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (Email:


The Social Computing and Semantic Data Mining Symposium will focus on the topics related to all aspects of the intersection of social behavior, computational systems, and semantic data mining. Of special interests in social computing are papers reporting on novel and practical solutions to social networks, mobile social sensing, service quality, trust, online auctions, modeling and analysis, reputation systems, computational social choice, tagging, game and so on. Of special interest in semantic data mining are papers reporting in large-scale and real-world semantic applications, methodology of semantic representation and large-scale data mining, machine learning, information retrieval, artificial intelligence in social contexts and so on. To ensure complete coverage of the advances in this broad area, the Social Computing and Semantic Data Mining Symposium solicits original contributions in, but not limited to, the following topical areas:

  • Social Networks
  • Social Media Analytics and Intelligent Social Media
  • Social Service Science, Quality, Architecture
  • Trust and Privacy in Social Contexts
  • Social Networks/Media/Service System Design and Architectures
  • Semantic Web Techniques
  • Mobile Social Sensing
  • Social Intelligence
  • Social Behavior Modeling and Analysis
  • Social Behavior Synthesis
  • Opinion Representation, and Influence Process Modeling
  • Reality Mining
  • Real-world semantic applications
  • Big Data Analytics and Storage
  • Statistical Data Mining
  • Data Mining, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Artificial Intelligence in Social Contexts
  • Social signal Processing System Design and Architectures

Submission Guidelines

  • Please follow the author instructions at
  • Direct paper submission weblink of this symposium can be found at

Important Dates

Paper Submission July 27, 2014
Paper Acceptance September 20, 2014
Camera-Ready Paper October 20, 2014
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