The 18th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2015)
September 27 to October 2, 2015
Ottawa, Canada
Call for Main Conference Papers
Please note that the deadline for abstracts has now passed; this page will remain for the historical record
MODELS is the premier conference series for model-based software and systems engineering which since 1998 has been covering all aspects of modeling, from languages and methods to tools and applications. MODELS 2015 challenges the modeling community to promote the magic of modeling by solidifying and extending the foundations and successful applications of modeling in areas such as business information and embedded systems, but also by exploring the use of modeling for new and emerging systems, paradigms, and challenges including cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, services, social media, big data, security, and open source. We invite you to join us in Ottawa and to help shape the modelling methods and technologies of the future!
Note that MoDELS introduces a few new, exciting changes
- we now use the IEEE paper format which give you more space
- we now also solicit Modeling Pearls as a separate track (modeling examples that others could use)
Foundations Track Papers
We invite authors to submit high quality contributions describing significant, original, and unpublished results in the following categories:
- Technical papers should describe innovative research in model-based engineering activities. They should describe a novel contribution to the field and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature. Where a submission builds upon previous work of the author(s), the novelty of the new contribution must be clearly described with respect to the previous work. Papers should also clearly discuss how the results were validated (formal proofs, controlled experiments, case studies, simulations, …). Authors are encouraged to make the artifacts used for the evaluation publically accessible.
- New ideas papers describing new, non-conventional model-based development research positions or approaches. New ideas submissions are intended to describe well- defined research ideas that are at an early stage of investigation and may not be fully validated.
MDE in Practice Track Papers
We invite authors to submit original experience reports and case studies. Each paper should provide clear take-away value by describing the context of a problem of practical, industrial importance and application. The paper should discuss why the solution of the problem is innovative, effective, or efficient and what likely industrial impact it has or will have; it should provide a concise explanation of the approach, techniques, and methodologies employed, and explain the best practices that emerged, tools developed, and/or software processes involved.
Modeling Pearls
MoDELS 15 solicits “Modeling Pearls” as a separate track (they were introduced in MoDEL 14 in the foundations track).
Modeling Pearls are polished, elegant, instructive, and insightful applications of modeling techniques or approaches. Modeling pearls include demonstration case studies that illustrate good modeling practices and techniques, examples of bad modeling practices that exemplify the problems that can occur if they are not detected and rectified (e.g., modeling examples that show the problems that occur when models use inappropriate abstractions), and models used in the classroom or paper to illustrate modeling concepts and practices. Submissions in this category need not report original research results. Authors must make fully documented models and other artifacts used in their papers accessible to reviewers by uploading them to the Repository for Model-Driven Development (ReMoDD). Artifacts associated with accepted papers in this category are publicly available via ReMoDD at
Topics of interest
Submissions are sought on any topic of modeling for software and systems engineering, including, but not limited to:
- Development, use, and evolution of domain-specific modeling languages
- Evaluation and comparison of modeling languages, techniques and tools
- Evolution of general-purpose modeling languages and related standards
- Definition of the syntax and semantics of modeling and model transformation languages
- Tools, meta-tools and Language workbenches for model-based engineering, including model management aspects
- Definition, usage, and analysis of generative and reengineering approaches
- Integration of modeling languages and tools (hybrid multi-modeling approaches)
- Quality assurance (analysis, testing, verification) for functional and non-functional properties of models and model transformations
- Development of systems engineering and modeling-in-the-large concepts
- New paradigms, formalisms, applications, approaches, frameworks, or processes for model-based development
- Modeling in Software engineering
- Modeling with, and for, new and emerging systems and paradigms such as cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, data analytics, big data, systems engineering, social media, devices and services, mobile applications, open source software, …
- Modeling for development challenges such as collaboration, scalability, security, interoperability, adaptability, energy efficiency,..
Submission and evaluation process (MAJOR CHANGE HERE)
Papers must be submitted electronically through the Models 2015 submission site:
- For the Foundations Track (including Technical, and New Ideas):
- For Modeling in Practice track (including Experience Reports, Case Studies and Modeling Pearls):
All submissions must come in PDF format. New is that now all submissions must conform to the IEEE Formating Guidelines!
Technical Research/Foundations Papers, MDE in practice papers, and Modeling Pearl papers must not exceed 10 pages (including figures, appendices and references). New Ideas Papers must not exceed 6 pages (including figures, appendices and references). Submissions that do not adhere to these limits or that violate the formatting guidelines will be desk-rejected without review. All submissions must be in English.
Submissions must adhere to the IEEE formatting instructions:
- LaTeX users: please use the LaTeX class file IEEEtran v1.8 with the following configuration (without option ‘compsoc‘ or ‘compsocconf‘):
\documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} - Word users: please use this Word template (see also the corresponding PDF file)
All papers that conform to submission guidelines will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee on the basis of originality, soundness, relevance, importance of contribution, evaluation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. Authors will have the possibility to clarify some of the questions arisen by PC members in their reviews. This response will be taken into account in the final decision phase. All the discussion process will be monitored by one or two Program Board members assigned to each paper.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by IEEE. Authors of best papers from the conference will be invited to revise and submit extended versions of the papers for publication in the Journal of Software and Systems Modeling
Important Dates
Foundations, MDE in Practice, and Modeling Pearl Tracks
Date | |
May 1 | Abstract submission |
May 8 | Paper submission |
June 27-29 | Author response |
July 10 | Notification to authors |
Please note that:
- Abstract submission is mandatory
- All deadlines are hard. No extensions will be allowed
- All dates are according to time zone “Anywhere on Earth”, i.e., UTC-12
This site will be updated with more information about the evaluation process, specific instructions for submission as well as the other tracks for MODELS 2015.
Organizing Committee
General Chair
- Timothy Lethbridge, University of Ottawa, Canada
Foundations Track Program Chair
- Jordi Cabot, ICREA – UOC, Barcelona, Spain
MDE in Practice Program Chair
- Alexander Egyed, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Finance Chair
- Yvan Labiche, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Tutorial Chairs
- Gunter Mussbacher, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
- Ana Moreira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Workshops Chairs
- Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
- Emilio Insfran, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Posters and Demos Chairs
- Vinay Kulkarni, Tata Consultancy Services, India
- Omar Badreddin, Northern Arizona University, USA
Panels Chairs
- Benoit Baudry, INRIA, France
- Benoit Combemale, Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires, France
Educators Symposium Chairs
- Tony Clark, Middlesex University, London, UK
- Arnon Sturm, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Doctoral Symposium Chairs
- Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, Canada
- Dimitris Kolovos, University of York, UK
ACM Student Research Chairs
- Martin Gogolla, University of Bremen, Germany
- Mira Balaban, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Web Chair
- Stéphane Somé, University of Ottawa, Canada
Social Media Chairs
- Sahar Kokaly, McMaster University, Canada
- Michalis Famelis, University of Toronto, Canada
Publicity Chairs
- Focus on Europe: Manuel Wimmer, TU Wien, Austria
- Focus on China: Tian Zhang, Nanjing University, China
Local Arrangements
- Vahdat Abdelzad, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Hamoud Aljamaan, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Andrew Forward, Private Consultant, Canada