The 17th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2014)

September 28-October 3, 2014

Valencia, Spain

Call for Papers

Modeling for software and systems engineering has gained rapid popularity and become an industrially accepted best practice in many application domains. However, the rapid pace of change in the way software is built and used makes it challenging to identify fundamental and enduring concepts and principles, and to maximize the benefits of modeling for the development of current and future software and systems. The objective of the Foundations Track is to provide a forum for the exchange and discussion of new ideas, results, and insights that can advance the state-of-the-art in modeling for software and systems engineering. We invite authors to submit original papers in the following categories:
  • Technical Papers describing original scientifically rigorous solutions to significant model-based development problems. A technical paper should clearly describe the problem addressed, the relevant state of the art, the scientifically-founded solution, and the benefits of the contribution. Appropriate examples, synthetic or otherwise, should be used to explain all aspects of the proposed contribution.
  • Exploratory Papers describe new, non-conventional model-based development research positions or approaches. Papers should challenge the status-quo and describe solutions that are based on new ways of looking at model-based development problems and solutions. Inadequacies in the state-of-the-art and the pertinence and correctness of any proposal must be described clearly.
  • Empirical Evaluation Papers assessing existing problem cases or scientifically validating proposed solutions through, e.g., empirical studies, experiments, case studies, or simulations. The topic of the evaluation presented in the paper must be clearly stated. The research method must be sound and appropriate.  Authors are encouraged to make the artifacts used for the evaluation publically accessible by, e.g., uploading them to the Repository for Model-Driven Development (ReMoDD).
  • Modeling Pearls are polished, elegant, instructive, and insightful applications of modeling techniques or approaches. Modeling pearls include demonstration case studies that illustrate good modeling practices and techniques, examples of bad modeling practices that exemplify the problems that can occur if they are not detected and rectified (e.g., modeling examples that show the problems that occur when models use inappropriate abstractions), and models used in the classroom to illustrate modeling concepts and practices. Submissions in this category need not report original research results. Authors must make fully documented models and other artifacts used in their papers accessible to reviewers by uploading them to the Repository for Model-Driven Development (ReMoDD). Artifacts associated with accepted papers in this category will be made publically available via ReMoDD. Instructions for uploading modeling pearls submissions will be made available on the ReMoDD site.
Topics of interest Submissions are sought on any topic of modeling for software and systems engineering, including, but not limited to:
  • Development, use, and evolution of domain-specific modeling languages
  • Evaluation and comparison of modeling languages, techniques and tools
  • Evolution of general-purpose modeling languages and related standards
  • Definition of the syntax and semantics of modeling and model transformation languages
  • Tools and meta-tools for modeling languages and model-based development
  • Definition, usage, and analysis of model transformations and generative approaches
  • Integration of modeling languages and tools (hybrid multi-modeling approaches)
  • Quality assurance (analysis, testing, verification) for models and model transformations
  • Development of systems engineering and modeling-in-the-large concepts
  • New modeling paradigms and formalisms
  • New applications, approaches, frameworks, or processes for model-based development
  • Modeling with, and for, new and emerging systems and paradigms such as cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, data analytics, systems engineering, social media, devices and services, mobile applications, open source software
  • Modeling for new development challenges such as security, interoperability, energy efficiency


Papers should be submitted through the CyberChair system. Each paper must be in PDF format, be written in English, and conform to the Springer LNCS formatting guidelines. The length of the paper is limited to 15 pages plus at most two pages for references. Papers that are over the page limit or violate the LNCS formatting instructions will be automatically rejected without further review. Note that the body of the paper (i.e, the part of the paper that does not include references) must be 15 pages or less, for example a 17-page paper with a 16-page body and one page of references will be automatically rejected.Papers submitted to MODELS 2014 must be original, and will be reviewed under the assumption that they do not contain plagiarized (including self-plagiarized) material, have not been published nor submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for MODELS 2014. MODELS 2014 follows theIEEE policies for cases of double submission and plagiarism.Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by Springer in the LNCS series. Authors of best papers from the conference will be invited to revise and submit extended versions of their papers for publication in the Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSYM), Springer Press.


The evaluation process proceeds as follows:1.First review period: Each paper will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee, based on its originality, importance of contribution, soundness, evaluation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. 2.Author response period: After the reviews have been released, authors have the opportunity to provide a 500 word response which will be taken into account during the PC meeting. This response should focus on clarifying, correcting or answering questions asked by the reviewers.3.Discussion of initial submissions: Taking the author response into account, a member of the Program Board will work with the Program Committee to reach a decision. Three outcomes are possible: accept, reject, or invitation to resubmit. Candidates for revision and resubmission are papers that might be worthy of acceptance, if certain revisions are made. 4.Notification for all authors: The outcome of the discussion period is made available.5.Resubmission: Authors of papers invited for resubmission submit their revised paper. 6.Notification for resubmitting authors: Depending on the quality of the revision, resubmitted papers are either accepted or rejected.

Important Dates (all 2014)

March 13 Abstract submission
March 20 Paper submission
May 12-14 Author access to reviews
May 14 Author response
June 4 Notification 1
July 7 Notification 2
July 10 Camera-ready papers

Please note that:

  • Abstract submission is mandatory.
  • All deadlines are hard. No extensions will be allowed.
  • All dates are according to time zone “Anywhere on Earth”, i.e., UTC-12.

Organization Committee

General Chairs

  • Isidro Ramos, U. Politècnica de València, Spain
  • Silvia Abrahão, U. Politècnica de València, Spain
  • Contact: info at

Local Organizing Chair

Program Chairs

  • Foundations Track: Juergen Dingel, Queen’s University, Canada
  • MDE in Practice Track: Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research, USA
  • Contact: papers at

Steering Committee Chair

  • Gregor EngelsUniversität Paderborn, Germany

Tutorial Chairs

Workshop Chairs

Panel Chair

  • Timothy C. Lethbridge, University of Ottawa, Canada

Demonstrations Chairs

Poster Chairs

Social Media Chairs

  • Jordi Cabot, École des Mines de Nantes, INRIA, France
  • Dimitris Kolovos, University of York, UK

ACM Student Research Competition Chair

  • Marcela Genero, University of Castilla-la Mancha, Spain
  • Shaz QadeerMicrosoft Research, USA 

Publicity Chairs

  • Alessandro GarciaPUC-Rio, Brazil
  • Nelly BencomoAston University, UK

Educators Symposium Chair

  • Birgit DemuthTU Dresden, Germany
  • Dave StikkolorumLeiden University, Netherlands

Doctoral Symposium Chair

  • Benoit BaudryINRIA, France

Financial Chairs

  • José Ángel Carsí, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  • Patricio Letelier, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Local Facilities Chairs

  • Javier González-HuertaUniversitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Student Volunteers Chairs

  • M. Carmen Penadés, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  • Miguel Angel Zúñiga, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Web Chair

  • Priscila CedilloUniversitat Politècnica de València, Spain
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