The 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT 2016)

Jan 31, 2016 – Feb 3, 2016

Phoenix Park, PyeongChang, Korea

General Information

The ICACT is an annual open forum for students, professors, researchers, engineers, policy makers, network planners, and service providers in the advanced communication technologies with technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Communication Society (IEEE ComSoc) since 2004, Extensive exchange of information will be provided on newly emerging architecture, experiment, standard, service, security, technology, theory, philosophy, and policy in the area of communications.

Topics (as follows, but not limited to)

  1. Mobile Communication
  2. Wireless Communication
  3. Optical Network
  4. Future Internet, Content Centric Network, Software Defined Network, Router
  5. Ubiquitous & Sensor Network
  6. Information & Network Security
  7. Authentication, Biometric Security
  8. Cloud and Distributed Application Security
  9. Protect Private Information
  10. Computer and network forensics
  11. Software Platform, Smart Service, AR/VR , UI
  12. Web Service & Social Network
  13. WWW, OpenFlow, Future Web, M2M, IoT, IoE
  14. Big Data, Game, Multimedia, Search Engine
  15. BPM, ERP, CRM, SCM, ASP, WorkFlow
  16. e-Governance, e-Government, e-Commerce, e-Learning, e-Health
  17. Systems & Software Engineering
  18. Network Management, Operation and Maintenance
  19. Distributed & Cloud Computing
  20. NGN, BCN, NGI, Future Network
  21. ITS, LBS, Telematics, Network Robotics
  22. IPTV, Internet Telephony, VoIP, MoIP

Important Dates

Abstract Registration Due Oct 31, 2015
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2015
Notification Due Nov 30, 2015
Final Version Due Dec 20, 2015

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit a 400-word (1 page) abstract summarizing an original work finalized or in progress, and then a full paper (min. 3 pages) describing the original work to the ICACT2016 conference paper. All the manuscripts must be written in English and should be prepared in given style (ICACT Paper Templates) by the ICACT bureau. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the single blinded review process. For the well going review process, all the papers in PDF should be submitted to the ICACT2016 Website

Organizing Chair

Prof. Thomas Byeongnam Yoon, Ph.D. +82-70-4146-4991
Address:GIRI, 1713 Bundang-Obelisk bldg., 216 Seohyun-Ro, Bundang-Gu, Sungnam Kyunggi-Do, 13591, Republic of Korea

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