The 36th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017)

Selected Areas in Communication Symposium Social Networks Track Symposium Track

December 4-8, 2017


Chair: Lie-Liang Yang University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Paper Submission: The IEEE Globecom 2017 website provides full instructions on how to submit papers. You will be asked to select the desired symposium when submitting.

Scope and Motivation

Social networks have become the prevalent forms of communication and interaction on the Internet, and have contributed a significant part of network traffic. Due to the interdisciplinary nature, social networks have attracted intensive research interest across multiple disciplines, including psychology, marketing, information processing, wireless communications and mobile networking, etc. However, there are still a lot of challenges in the development of high-efficiency integrated social and technological networks. The Selected Areas in Communication Symposium Social Networks Track aims to highlight recent advances along this technology trend. Topics of Interest Authors are invited to submit original research papers on the topics including, but not limited to:

  • Knowledge discovery with big mobile data analytics, as well as information dissemination and propagation in social networks
  • Modeling, analysis, measurements, simulations, and experiments for general social networks and, in particular, mobile social networks
  • Influence, reputation, recommendation, community structure, advertisement, etc., based on modeling, analysis, measurements, and experiments of largescale social networks
  • Convergence and interplay between social networks and technological networks, including characterization of social networks impact on technological networks (e.g., mobile communication networks), deriving social interactions from technological networks, and analysis of social networks from technological networks perspective
  • Influence of social networks on technological networks design, operation and optimization, as well as subsequent new theory and design paradigms for future technological networks
  • Numerical and analytical techniques as a foundation to enable social networks of massive networked (big) data (e.g., belief and message propagation, computational intelligence and machine learning, game and economical analysis, graph theoretical analysis, etc.)
  • Applications of social network analysis and relational structure of social networks to design advanced technological networks, and interplay with network science areas such as physics and biology
  • Applications of large social network analysis to the design of advanced mobile communication networks and software-defined network architecture
  • Terminal device technology to enable mobile social networks
  • Trusted networking, privacy and security, user behavior and dynamics, and digital right management for big data from social networks
  • System architecture, protocols, middleware and software engineering, terminal technology, user experience and interface technology, deployment and operations, and standards for social networks
  • Social networks applications and services to mobile Internet, multimedia networks, mobile commerce, cyber-physical systems, and their potential social, economic, and cultural impacts

Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2017

Biography: Lie-Liang Yang is the professor of wireless communications in the School of Electronics and Computer Science of the University of Southampton, UK. He received his PhD degrees in communications and electronics from Northern (Beijing) Jiaotong University, Beijing, China in 1997. He has research interest in a wide range of areas in wireless communications, wireless networks and signal processing for wireless communications, as well as molecular and nano communications. He has published 300+ research papers in journals and conference proceedings, authored/co-authored three books and also published several book chapters. More details about his publications can be found at He is a fellow of the IEEE, a fellow of the IET, and a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He served as an associate editor to the IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology and Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), and is currently an associate editor to the IEEE Access and the Security and Communication Networks (SCN) Journal.

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