Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Time: 9:30 – 10:30
Place: Liberty Room, Westin Kansas City at Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri, USA


  1. Introductory remarks (Andrew Eckford)
  2. Summary of ETI activities since the last meeting (Andrew Eckford for Tadashi Nakano)
  3. Conference updates
    • ICC 2018 (Andrew Eckford)
    • Globecom 2018 (Andrew Eckford for Tadashi Nakano)
    • ICC 2019 (Andrew Eckford for Yifan Chen)
    • Globecom 2019 (Adam Noel)
  4. T-MBMC updates (Urbashi Mitra)
  5. New business
  6. Adjournment


Number of attendees: 16

  1. Andrew Eckford gave introductory remarks.
  2. Andrew Eckford gave a brief summary of MBMC activities since the last meeting (at Globecom 2017 in Singapore), including a special track at SECON.
  3. Updates about upcoming special tracks at ICC/Globecom were given. Andrew Eckford gave an update about ICC 2018, where there were two sessions. An update about Globecom 2018 was given by Tadashi Nakano (read by Andrew Eckford). An update about ICC 2019 was given by Yifan Chen (read by Andrew Eckford); ICC 2019 will be in Shanghai and significant interest is expected from China. An update about Globecom 2019 was given by Adam Noel.
  4. An update about the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMC) was given by Urbashi Mitra. Her term is coming to an end and nominations were solicited for Editor-in-Chief.
  5. The meeting was adjourned.
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