Multimedia Cloud Computing (Acronym: MCCIG)

Chair: Kuan-Ta Chen
Co-chairs: Ali C. Begen, Networked Media and Ozyegin University, Turkey; Chin-Feng Lai
Advisor: Baochun Li, University of Toronto

IG Scope:

The Multimedia Cloud Computing Interest Group Interest Group (MCCIG) of the IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Communications (MMTC) promotes research and development in emerging area of cloud computing for multimedia (e.g. speech, audio, image, video, graphics, animation, multimodal signals) communications, applications, and services. It aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss relevant topics and exchange views on the (potential) issues of utilizing cloud and its resources to further the quality, efficiency, effectiveness, and scope of multimedia communications. MCCIG will assist the IEEE MMTC by organizing and supporting academia events, such as conferences, workshops, and tutorials, special issues of relevant journals, and other efforts to promote this line of research. The technical topics of MCCIG span, but not limited to the following:


  • Multimedia content encoding and streaming in/via the cloud
  • Energy-efficient cloud computing for multimedia processing
  • Efficient capturing, processing, and streaming of user interactions to the cloud, such as traditional, Kinect-like, Wii-like, gesture, touch, and similar mobile and touch-based user interactions
  • Virtualization of large-volume user inputs (e.g., depth sensor video) in the cloud
  • Cloud-assisted remote desktop, screen sharing, and Game as a Service (GaaS)
  • Cloud-assisted telepresence, collaborative shared environments, and gaming
  • Optimizing cloud infrastructure and server distribution to efficiently support globally distributed and interacting users
  • Resource allocation and load balancing in the cloud for optimized multimedia application support
  • Network routing, software defined networking (SDN), virtualization, and on-demand dynamic control of the cloud infrastructure
  • Adaptive multimedia streaming according to network/user’s limitations and preferences
  • Quality of Experience (QoE) studies and improvements for delay-sensitive multimedia computing in the cloud: user-cloud and user-user interactions, effects of delay and visual quality limitations, and methods to improve them
  • Novel architectures and designs based on cloud multimedia rendering for tele-conferencing, gaming, telepresence, tele-learning, collaborative shared environments, screencasting, and other conversational multimedia applications and systems.
  • Influencing policy making
  • Standardization activities