Call for Papers: IEEE Green Energy and Systems Conference (IGESC 2016, Currently IEEE GESS)
Date: November 7, 2016
Location: Pyramid, CSULB, Long Beach, CA 90840, USA
Paper Submission
The proposed conference intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from relevant fields to present and disseminate ongoing research for sustainable and green energy systems and technologies in systems engineering. This year the focus would be on Towards Resilient and Sustainable Cyber-Physical Energy and Communication Systems. Conference two major topics include but are not limited to:
- Green Energy and Power
- Zero Net Energy Buildings with Secure and Advanced Metering Infrastructure
- Resiliency through Community-scale Micro-grids
- Modeling Cyber-physical Smart Grids and Demand Response Management
- Large-scale Integration of Distributed Energy Resources
- Energy Storage Technologies and Trends
- Electrical Vehicles, Grid to Vehicle (G2V) and Vehicle to Grid (V2G)
- Energy Management and Sustainability, and Transactive Energy
- Systems Engineering
- Interdisciplinary engineering
- Communication, Digital Signal Processing, and Cloud Computing
- Instrumentation and Control Methods
- Biomedical and Environmental Systems, Water Purification and Desalination
- Networking, Sensors Developments for Water &Air Contaminant Tracing
- Robotic, Autonomous, and Transportation Systems
Technical papers are to be submitted to one of the five technical tracks:
- Power Electronics
- Power Systems
- Networking
- Systems Engineering
- Micro-grid Power Systems and Applications
Submission & Publication: All accepted papers in Technical Track will be published in IGESC (Currently IEEE GESS) proceedings by IEEE Xplore. All submissions should be formatted according to the IEEE standard Word or Latex Template.
Technical Track:
Full paper (4-6 pages) submission deadline: June 6, 2016 Extended to July 1, 2016
Full paper acceptance notification: Aug. 8, 2016
Camera-ready version: Oct. 1, 2016
Student Track for Poster Presentation Only (Not for publication in IEEE Xplore):
High quality research papers are encouraged to submit to Technical Track
Submission deadline for student paper for posters (2-4 pages): June 6, 2016 Extended to July 1, 2016
Acceptance notification: Aug. 8, 2016
Poster-ready Version: Oct. 1, 2016
IEEE Green Energy and Systems Conference 2016
Theme: Toward Resilient and Sustainable Cyber-Physical Energy and Communication Systems
Date: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016
Venue: The Pointe (Pyramid), CSULB, Long Beach, CA
Pre-conference Reception: Ayres Hotel Seal Beach, Nov. 6 (Sunday), 6:00 – 8:00 PM
IGESC (Currently IEEE GESS) 2016 Program
- 8:30 – 9:00 Registration
- 9:00 – 9:40 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Merwin Brown, Co-Director, California Institute for Energy and Environment, University of California
- Title: The Real Reasons We Must Have a Smart Grid for the 21st Century
Track 1
Power Systems (Morning) – Track Chair: Dr. Hui Yuan
- 9:40 – 10:05 J. Lu, et. al., East China Electric Power Control Center, 「Integration of Renewable Resources in East China Grid」
- 10:05 – 10:30 A. Pandey, et. al., Carnegie Mellon University, 「Aggregated Load and Generation Equivalent Circuit Models with Semi-Empirical Data Fitting」
- 10:30 – 10:45 Break
- 10:45 – 11:10 O. Ansari, et. al., University of Saskatchewan, 「Reliability Assessment of Microgrid with Renewable Generation and Prioritized Loads」
- 11:10 – 11:35 M. Hossain, et. al., University of New Orleans, 「Emission Trading Mechanism for Environmental Economic Generation Dispatch」
- 11:35 – 12:00 A. Latif, et. al., Austrian Institute of Technology, 「Multi-Objective Reactive Power Dispatch in Distribution Networks Using Modified Bat Algorithm」
- 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch and Poster Paper Display
- 12:40 – 12:50 Presentation by Dr. Brian Jersky, Provost, CSULB
- 1:00 – 1:30 Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Mo Jamshidi, ACE Laboratory, the University of Texas
- Title: Electricity Grid: From Current to Micro to Smart
Power Systems & Electronics (Afternoon) – Track Chair: Dr. Masoud Nazari
- 1:30 – 1:55 C. Wang, et. al., China Southern Power Grid EPRI, 「Modeling and Control of Energy Storage System in a Microgrid」
- 1:55 – 2:20 R. Kerekes, et. al., Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 「Energy Supply of Settlements Implementing the Method of Micro Grid」
- 2:20 – 2:45 X. Li, Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Group Co., 「IMC-PID for Design for Power Control Based on Closed-loop Identification in the Frequency Domain」
- 2:45 – 3:00 Break
- 3:00 – 3:25 S. Sim, et. al., California State University, Long Beach, 「SSR Alleviation with the PID Controller」
- 3:25 – 3:50 S. Munukuntla, et. al., University of New Orleans, 「Sensitivity Analysis of Synchronous Generators for Real-Time Simulations」
- 3:50 – 4:15 E. Sanchez, California State University, Long Beach, 「Component Validation Process for High Performance Hybrid Electric Race Vehicle」
- 4:15 – 4:40 S. Hanif, Technical University of Munich & TUM CREATE, 「Residential Load Profile Simulator for Megacities: Case Study of Singapore」
- End of Track 1 Program
Track 2
Power Electronics (Morning) – Track Chair: Dr. Keyue Smedley
- 9:40 – 10:05 A. Buchroithner, et. al., Graz University of Technology, 「Designing an Autonomous Power System for a Stand-Alone Heliostat」
- 10:05 – 10:30 A. Buchroithner, et. al., Graz University of Technology, 「Estimating Costs of Heliostat Production at High Volumes Based on a Small-Scale Prototype」
- 10:30 – 10:45 Break
- 10:45 – 11:10 C. Jing, et. al., eMIT, LLC, 「Automatic Data Exchange for Electromagnetic Simulation」
- 11:10 – 11:35 A. Fares, et. al., California State University, Long Beach, 「Two-Area System Analysis & Control」
- 11:35 – 12:00 S. Eisa, et. al., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 「Sensitivity Analysis of a Type-3 DFAG Wind Turbine’s Dynamics with Pitch Control」
- 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch and Poster Paper Display
- 12:40 – 12:50 Presentation by Dr. Brian Jersky, Provost, CSULB
- 1:00 – 1:30 Lunch Speaker: Dr. Mo Jamshidi, ACE Laboratory, the University of Texas Title: Electricity Grid: From Current to Micro to Smart
Networking & System Engineering (Afternoon) – Track Chair: Dr. Frank Ferrese
- 1:30 – 1:55 M. Babaeian, et. al., California State University, Long Beach, 「Real Time Driver’s Drowsiness Detection Using Logistic Regression Based Machine Learning Algorithm」
- 1:55 – 2:20 Z. Hu, et. al., Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute, 「A SDN-based Communication Architecture for WAMS」
- 2:20 – 2:45 H. Wang, et. al., University of Washington, 「Renewable Energy-Aware Demand Response for Distributed Data Centers in Smart Grid」
- 2:45 – 3:00 Break
- 3:00 – 3:25 G. Gramajo, et. al., California State University, Long Beach, 「Path-Planning for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Energy Constraint in a Search and Coverage Mission」
- 3:25 – 3:50 Z. Ma, et. al., University of Southern Denmark,」 Market Opportunities and Barriers for Smart Buildings」
- 3:50 – 4:15 H. Khan, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 「Energy Aware Smart Home Automation with Arduino and LabVIEW」
- 4:15 – 4:40 K. Sautbine, et. al., California State University, Long Beach, 「Alloying Noble Metals to Improve Catalyst Performance in PEMFC’s」
- End of Track 2 Program
- 4:40 – 4:50 Awards and Concluding Remarks
- 4:50 – 5:00 Ice Cream Social Gathering
Keynote Speaker
The Real Reasons We Must Have a Smart Grid for the 21st Century
Dr. Merwin Brown, Co-Director
Electric Grid Research
California Institute for Energy and Environment, University of California
This presentation will examination significant events and trends in the electric industry community that over the last 5 decades exerted a compounding influence of growing complexities and uncertainties for our electric institutions, and their infrastructure and its operation. The 「smart grid」 has become a must for keeping the lights on and electricity prices in check for the early 21st century. The reasons have their roots in trends that started in the 1960s in the electricity industry, largely driven by energy-related public policies responding to changing circumstances in the environment, economics, fuel supplies, technologies and electricity usage practices. By the end of the 20th century, the ways electric systems were planned, owned, built, operated, regulated, used, and bought and paid for would never be the same. The 21st century electric grid owner, operator, planner and regulator face growing uncertainty, complexity, inadequacy, conflict, and the need for flexibility, robustness, real-time situation awareness, probabilistic forecasting and rapid response. No longer can the grid planners and owners 「build」 their way out of these problems using traditional wires, towers and power plants alone. New technologies will be needed to make grid planning, permitting, building and operating easier and less costly, especially technologies that make the grid smarter. The choice in the late 19th century of the alternating current (AC) electric grid, which was promoted by Westinghouse and Tesla and became the grid of the 20th century, instead of the direct current (DC) grid championed by Edison, was enabled by electric transformer technology. Similarly, the emergence of electronic technology, fortuitously about the time the problematic trends began for the 20th century grid, is enabling the smart grid needed for the 21st century.
Dr. Merwin Brown is Co-Director, Electric Grid Research (EGR) for the California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE), University of California. EGR conducts technology research to modernize electric grids for implementing California’s environmental policies.
Dr. Merwin Brown has 40+ years in electric industry (e.g., PG&E, Arizona PS, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Gas Cooled Reactor Associates, University of California, Berkeley), mostly managing energy technology research teams, programs/projects.
Dr. Merwin Brown has served as a utility business planner (PG&E), and an industry advisor in numerous capacities and forums, and currently is a member of the US DOE Electricity Advisory Committee (in 3nd term) and chairman of its Energy Storage subcommittee.
Dr. Merwin Brown holds B.S. and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from Kansas State University.
Luncheon Speaker
Electricity Grid: From Current to Micro to Smart
Mo Jamshidi, Ph.D., DEgr. Fellow IEEE
ACE Laboratory, the University of Texas
San Antonio, TX USA
Over 5 decades have passed from the organized formulation of large-scale systems (LSS) engineering as a branch of control and systems engineering. Today, systems engineering is at a crossroad at the early part of the 21st Century. One of the main challenges of any paradigms in systems engineering is being able to handle complex systems under unforeseen uncertainties via system of systems framework. A System of Systems (SoS) or Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integration of independent operatable and non-homogeneous legacy systems to achieve a higher goal than the sum of the parts. Applications of SoS are quite extensive – examples are future combat mission, Global Warming, Mars missions, Air Traffic System, Global Earth Observation System, Microgrid, Smart Electric Power Grid and home Systems, etc. In this talk the characteristics of current grid and the advent of Microgrid and evolution towards Smart Grid of the 21st Century.
Mo M. Jamshidi (Fellow IEEE, Fellow ASME, A. Fellow-AIAA, Fellow AAAS, A. Fellow TWAS, Fellow NYAS) received BS in EE, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA in June 1967, the MS and Ph.D. degrees in EE from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA in June 1969 and February 1971, respectively. He holds honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Waterloo, Canada, 2004 and Technical University of Crete, Greece, 2004. Currently, he is the Lutcher Brown Endowed Distinguished Chaired Professor at the University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, USA. He has been an advisor to NASA (including 1st MARS Mission), USAF, USDOE and EC/EU (Brussels). He has over 750 technical publications including 68 books (12 text books), research volumes, and edited volumes in English and a few foreign languages. He is the Founding Editor or co-founding editor or Editor-in-Chief of 5 journals including IEEE Control Systems Magazine and the IEEE Systems Journal. He is an Honorary Professor at three Chinese Universities (Nanjing and Xi’an), Deakin University (Australia), Birmingham University and Loughbrough University (UK), and Obuda University (Hungary). In October 2005 he was awarded the IEEE’s Norbert Weiner Research Achievement Award. He is a member of the University of the Texas System Chancellor’s Council since 2011. In his two research laboratories with 25 graduate students, he is currently involved in research on system of systems engineering with emphasis on cloud computing, robotics, UAVs, bioinformatics and sustainable energy systems. He has over 8600 citations on Scholar Google.
Steering Committee
- Conference and Steering Committee Chair: Hen-Geul (Henry) Yeh
- Technical Program and Review Committee: Chit-Sang Tsang (Chair) , I-Hung Khoo, Mohammad Mozumdar, Greg Smith, Shadnaz Asgari, Bei Lu, Boi Tran, Antonella Sciortino, Keyue M. Smedley, Masoud H. Nazari, Jan Geder, Ricardo Pastor, Hui Yuan, and Mehrdad Aliasgari
- Power Electronics Session: Keyue Smedley (Chair)
- Power Systems Session: Hui Yuan (Co-Chair) and Masoud Nazari (Co-Chair)
- Networking Sessions: Mohammad Mozumdar (Chair)
- Systems Engineering Session: Shadnaz Asgari (Co-Chair) and Shabnam Sodagari (Co-Chair)
- Defense Systems Applications Track: Captain Lynn J. Petersen (Chair)
- Finance/Registration: I-Hung Khoo (Chair)
- Website/Flyer: Roger C. Lo (Chair), I-Hung Khoo, and Sandra Hernandez
- Publicity: Mohammad Mozumdar (Chair), Miguel Silva (Co-Chair), and Iftekhar Ahmad (Co-Chair)
- Technical Publication: Mohammad Mozumdar (Chair)
- Conference Rental and Food: Sergio Mendez (Chair)
- Sponsors/Exhibitors: Shadnaz Asgari, Gary Hytrek, and Chin Chang
- Flyer/Certificate Preparation: Roger C. Lo
- Secretary: Mehrdad Aliasgari
- Student Post Session: Sergio Mendez (Co-Chair), Gregory Smith (Co-Chair), and Boi Tran (Co-Chair)
- On Site Registration/Parking: Sandra Hernandez (Chair)
- Invite students from other campuses/Photos: CSULB IEEE Student Branch
- Ad Hoc: Greg Smith (Chair)
- WebMaster: Sergio Garcia
- Technical Paper Reviewers:
Habtamu Abie | Norwegian Computing Center, Norway |
Mehrdad Aliasgari | CSU Long Beach, USA |
Rodrigo C. Bortoletto | São Paulo Federal Institute of Education, Brazil |
Chaw Long Charlie Chu | CSU Long Beach, USA |
Ching-Yen Chung | University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Burkhard Englert | CSU Long Beach, USA |
Jan Geder | Technische University Munchen, Singapore |
Sudharman Jayaweera | University of New Mexico, USA |
Chenguang Jiang | Kettering University, USA |
Joarder Kamruzzaman | Monash University, Australia |
Luciano Lavagno | Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Mihai Lazarescu | Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Bei Lu | CSU Long Beach, USA |
Mehdi Maasoumy | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Mohammad Mozumdar | CSU Long Beach, USA |
Masoud Nazari | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Ricardo Pastor | R&D Nester, Portugal |
Jayashri Ravishankar | University of New South Wales, Australia |
Ahmed Saber | ETAP, USA |
Pierluigi Siano | University of Salerno, Italy |
Keyue M. Smedley | University of California, Irvine, USA |
Tracy Toups | CSU Sacramento, USA |
Chit-Sang Tsang | CSU Long Beach, USA |
Shahadat Uddin | University of Sydney, Australia |
Hen-Geul Yeh | CSU Long Beach, USA |
Ted Yu | CSU Long Beach, USA |
Hui Yuan | Southern California Edison, USA |