Champion Team: Odommo Bangla

Project Title: Writing Assistance for physically disabled person

Idea: People with disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), muscular dystrophy and spinal cord injury have very little scopes to express themselves. Specially the paralyzed people who can hardly move any of their limbs. A developed a writing assistant device through which a paralyzed person or any kind of handicap person can easily express themselves. They have used that technique to build a device which uses Gaze Interaction method. For the starting they have made the device and developed the software to an extent that a person can

  • Draw something,
  • Play game (ping pong!!) using his eye properly.
  • Typing Using Default Keyboard

But they expect to extend it to much fuller extent as we made a mouse pointer which can be moved using eye.